Roadmap for Stepmums

Solutions to Problems Stepmums Face

I am a stepmum myself. I met my twin step kids when they were 7yrs old.

Bringing up children is full of challenges without the added complexity of non-biological children, a bio-mum who may or may not be around and a partner who is a father too. There are many conflicting needs and plenty of room for miscommunication, resentment and hurt within a stepfamily.

There may be an emotional struggle around the question of adding another child to the mix. Has he had a vasectomy or doesn’t want an extra child? Are you full of doubt yourself? Are you letting your imagination run riot thinking of future bad scenarios? Do you feel confused as the biological clock ticks on?

Do you wish, sometimes, that you’d met him before he had kids?

I can offer a safe place to be heard, validated and understood. I can help you think through what you want in your relationship with your family and what steps to take to get you there.

There is no perfect family. There will still be challenges. But the whole family will be on a stronger and healthier path with:-

  • you and your partner as the strong central core to the family
  • you feeling confident in your role as stepmum
  • you communicating really effectively with your stepfamily and beyond
  • a great set of tools to help you wherever and whenever you need it.

The Peace Plan for StepMums
is an 8 week programme plus 3 extra coaching calls in the first year after the course.

Contact me if you are a struggling stepmum ready to invest in yourself and your family’s wellbeing. We can have a completely free up to 1 hour consultation to help you get clarity on solutions to the problems you face. There is absolutely no obligation to sign up for anything.

I only accept stepmums who I am 100% sure will get great value from doing the course. And you need to be sure that you can get great results and value in your life, from working with me too.

I look forward to hearing from you to see if we are a good fit.

Maria is a step mum. She was suffering from anxiety, insomnia, lack of confidence, felt achy, guilty, had headaches, tiredness and digestive problems – plenty of mind/body stress symptoms.

After working with me Maria was able to challenge inaccurate, self-limiting views. Her physical health and energy improved. She made major changes in her life in a clear-headed way, benefitting significantly. Her family are happy having Maria happy.